The material and aesthetics of your roof can make a significant difference in how your home feels in extreme weather conditions and increase the level of protection against severe weather. Selecting the features of your roof carefully will result in a roof that lasts for decades to come.
Hot And Humid
People who live in areas with high heat and humidity will want to make their roofing choices based on the reflective nature of the roofing materials. Additionally, living in an area with high humidity will make your roof more susceptible to moisture damage and mold. Metal is ideal in this climate. Metal works well at reflecting heat and it is resistant to moisture damage. Many areas with harsh summers are at risk of severe thunderstorms and/or tropical systems. Metal is quite durable, making it ideal to provide your home with the most protection if a tropical system were to make landfall. Similarly, metal is more resistant to hail and high winds that might occur with severe thunderstorms.
Cold And Snowy
In some areas, the major issue is the cooler months when they experience freezing temperatures and a lot of frozen precipitation, such as snow. A challenge in the colder months will be the damage that can occur as snow accumulates on the roof. For these extreme conditions, you will want a roof that is both sturdy and works well at absorbing heat. When your roof absorbs heat, frozen precipitation is less likely to accumulate on the roof and potentially cause the roof to fail. Absorbing heat reduces the accumulation of ice, which can be dangerous when it falls off the roof. A roof that absorbs heat will also allow you to keep your home warmer with less effort.
Hot And Dry
Areas with high heat, but dry conditions will want to address both the heat and conditions conducive to fires. Much like in hot and humid climates, metal can work well. However, there are more options to help reduce the risk of fire. Clay or concrete shingles are an excellent alternative because they can reflect heat while not being vulnerable to combustion if a fire were to occur. Asphalt shingles have similar fire resistance, but to make them ideal as a roofing material for hot weather, you will need to select white shingles, which reflect heat, rather than black shingles that absorb heat.
Although it may not be possible to have a roof that is ideal for all types of weather, you can select features that will make the harshest season more comfortable. Choosing a more efficient roof is a step toward reducing your energy usage for decades to come.
Contact a local roofing service to learn more.